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SightingsTVS 310 Akula carbon fiber fairing under consideration

SightingsTVS 310 Akula carbon fiber fairing under consideration - OverDrive has been reported that TV will get help from BMW in the production of carbon fiber body parts for limited edition 310 Akula reported. This article has been edited to exclude TVS statement taking the help of BMW and is now showing it may TVS. It can be done on a limited basis. OverDrive reported that TVS Motor Company plans to launch 310 units of TVS Akula limited carbon fiber similar to the concept that was presented at the Auto Expo 201 6 fairing.

SightingsTVS 310 Akula carbon fiber fairing under consideration
Publication reported that the fairing on the concept of a carbon fiber version is used only as an aesthetic and not a way to benefit from the elements of their functional properties. TVS ask for help BMW to manufacture fully CFRP body panels for the limited edition. It is also reported that 60 percent of concept for the production of Akula. The road version is missing a few features found in the concept of chaotic racing aluminum substructure, and steering damper Gyrocam. Parts such as wheels, forks, rear suspension, the propulsion system and the exhaust gas may be taken from the BMW G310R.

SightingsTVS 310 Akula carbon fiber fairing under consideration
The report also said that 310 Akula will be introduced only after BMW G310R went on sale. Both are expected to start this year.