W7 Carsmetic: Specialist Of Body Kit And Interior Car Modification
Kanjenk Automotive - W7 Carsmetic: Specialist Of Body Kit And Interior Car Modification - One trick to change the look of the car's exterior body kit is to apply in accordance with the desired shape by the owner of the car. And fortunately for realizing it was not a big case, because in today's been a lot of home modifications, open hand and ready to serve any dream of the owner of the vehicle, who wants his car had a body kit with a certain style.
One home modifications engaged in
specialist body kit is W7 Carsmetic. Their names have resonated in the ears of
fans modification world country, even repeatedly recorded achievements in
competitions of national scale car modification.
Some of them are 2 national champion
in the contest modifications Nissan Livina XR held by Nisaan and was followed
home modifications from various regions in Indonesia. Then believed to
designing cars POLICE ACADEMY, up to several famous artists bandwagon even be a
customer of a home modification which is located in West Jakarta.
Established since July 7, 2002 ago,
home modifications fronted by William has been poor across the world
modifications country. Initially W7 Carsmetic only engaged in the wheels and
car accessories with the location of the workshop which was then located in
North Jakarta numbers exactly in Muara Karang. But over time and increasing
experience, W7 Carsmetic later evolved into bigger and spread their wings to be
an expert in terms of transforming and beautifying the vehicle. This is
consistent with Carsmetic name itself, which is an abbreviation of cars, aka
cosmetic car cosmetics.
As home modifications who
specializes in matters of custom bumper, W7 Carsmetic gives two options that
can be determined by the customer is a full body kit package and package body
kit bumper add on.
Full body kit changes the display bumper
bumper is conducted thoroughly, it is suitable for car owners who want to
modify the appearance of the car with a little extreme. While the add-on body
kit is the only change made in the majority display bumper so that still leaves
standard forms.
Product W7 Carsmetic body kit can be
applied to vehicles of various brands. Ranging from Toyota, Honda, Nissan and
Mercedes Benz, all of them can be enhanced in accordance with the concept
desired by their respective owners. In addition to a custom body kit, Carsmetic
W7 also features a replica body kit, alloy wheels, and a few other supporting
accessories car modification.
In addition to serving custom body
kit which incidentally is a modification of the view outside the car, W7
Carsmetic also provides a package of interior modifications, particularly the
modification upholstery with leather and semi-leather.
Leather materials used Carsmetic W7
is not arbitrary because it uses genuine leather Autoledder, Blakledder, DLO
Dakar series, Abrosco and Italian leather. While the material is a
semi-synthetic leather skin that resembles genuine leather like MSeigen and
Not only that, the pattern of the
seat can also be adjusted in accordance with the wishes of customers. That way
not only layers that can be arranged, but the patterns that accentuate the look
is also really an option that comes directly from the customers themselves.
W7 Information Carsmetic
Address: Jl. Mutiara Taman Palem
Blok B7 No. 27, Cengkareng - Jakarta Barat
Email: w7william@yahoo.com