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Sweet Hello Kitty, Sweet Daihatsu Sirion 2012

Had the same hobbies, whatever be more easily realized, including the modifications to the car. Because had the same preferences, spouses Jeffery and Milka Yuanita Goddess, reconsider to dress her Daihatsu Sirion 2012.
Although sehobi, both ideas are not easily incorporated into the concept of restoration. The husband wants this, the wife wants like this. Thought had thought, finally both his desire to unite in a single concept. Be Sirion Hello Kitty pink concept Extreme Show Car.

But wait, from the outside may seem feminine, but beat mechanically re-formulated to make it more powerful. To get the desired result, the cultivation Sirion entrusted to his home modifications Butterfly Night Auto Fashion.
In line with the idea of ​​his wife, body dikustom with pink coloring and sweetened airbrush Hello Kitty. As a result of the Sirion also now have a new nickname, 'Dangerous Pinky'. Affairs of the lights, the default standard Sirion deemed qualified. Stop lamp and picked Toyota FT 86, while the main light dikustom.
Before the current display, Jeffrey admitted Sirion body has several times overhauled and redesigned. Understandably, the car is not just a display, but also participated in various contests included modifications. No wonder if Sirion Pinky Hello Kitty is often won the champion title in various modifications.
Jeffrey adopted the gull wing door car, so the car cover open like the wings of birds, to the top. Other modern touches can be seen on the hood and trunk. Such features apply open and close mechanically with the motor set with the android system. More sophisticated, starter engine, air suspension settings can also be done via mobile phone.
Interior and Machinery
Rombakan quite extreme also enveloped the car. Amputee to accommodate the rear seat audio devices. Jeffrey leaving only two front seats. Interestingly, the two front seats can be moved out to the motorized motion system. Problem upholstery, taken two color combinations of pink and white. For coatings, Jeffrey plucks brand Murano.
At the rear, Jefey stuffing audio devices were arranged neatly. To head unit, he chose Pionner AVH 2450 BT backed qualified speakers and subwoofer, as well as several TV variety of sizes.
In order to impress racing, equipped kitchen sector runway supercharged components and blow off HKS. No wonder if Sirion Hello Kitty is generating fierce roar.
At the end, Jeffrey admitted very confident to include Dangerous Kitty modifications to various prestigious contests country. During the three years the contest modified, his Sirion has won hundreds of trophies, and several times won the title of 'The King'.
So what is the total cost of modifications continue to be upgraded? "The total cost of several times, about USD 800 million, mas," said Jeffrey.
Exterior: Custom body conversion, the FT 86 stop lamp, headlamp custom, custom gull wing door, split front hood, split hatchback door, wide body, thematic body art (airbrush)
Motorized system: gull wing door, engine hood, rear tv 32 ', midle tv, speakers, all seats, and kitty animator
Legs: Altech brake 3 ports, Brembo brake 4 ports, 4-point universal water system, fuel wheels 8-9 / 18 ET 35-32, tires front / rear 215/35/18 Accelera
Engine: Supercharger, HKS Blow off, turbosmart wastegate, pipping stailess custom, custom remup ecu, Apexi open filter, custom engine cover
Audio system: Power 4 channel turbo V406 T0 2 pcs, power monoblock turbo V500 = 2pcs, power monoblock VD2600S IL, sub woofer 12 "SW FX 6012W = 2pcs, sub woofer 12" turbo 2pcs, sub woofer 12 "diablo 2pcs, speakers split Vertigo 65B VT, VX split 6x speakers, coaxial speakers VM 602 = 5pcs, capacitor VC 02 DF, head unit Pionner AVH 2450 BT, TV 32 "= 1pcs, TV 19" = 1pcs, TV 7.5 "= 43pcs, TV 3 , 5 "= 31pcs, Custom seat monitor 3.5" = 4pcs, Center LCD monitor = 1pcs

Interior: Murano highlights corral red, violet blast Murano, Murano blast snow white Special features: Android = all motorized control, air suspension, lighting, playstation, engine start / stop via wireless android.