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Mega Pro Modification With Girlish Style But Macho - At first glance the title emang similar strange title. However, the title is suitable to describe the heart's content Wawang Rambo, the owner of the motor. Because bikers eccentric owner Modification Mega Pro is recently married with her idol. That's what changed the concept of modifying the originally nuanced West Java Style became Mega Pro Modified flirty style.

Obvious example is the selection of a less common color, shades of pink were ejected from the entire body of mega pro this modification. The color choice proved to be a special request from his wife, Sugiarti, let modification Mega Pro is no real impression despite fierce feminine. Rolired and siekensnya concoction indeed eye-catching, because the selection is more conspicuous paint accents plus candytone.
The color of his wife's request is clearly in contrast with the dark color selection in several parts of the body panel of the motor. But, contrived ciamik that more cross-eyed and ferocious appearance. For example grooves on the inside of the wing tank and parts airscoop in black paint doft. As a result of his Honda Mega Pro any more flirtatious.
To problems motor body, Wawang collaborated with his friend and boss; Agus DJ, owner XKBD Purwokerto, Central Java. Because Wawang is the belief Agus DJ on the body of the motor modifications. "The body does contrived simple, adjust the style of West Java Style denser in the front and tapers at the rear," explained Wawang those who have a hobby of diving.
Meanwhile, to strengthen the middle of the motor, modification Mega Pro chassis is made with the style of the Suzuki GSX old school. And the selection of the chassis is very appropriate because impressed connect with his tanks made of fiberglass that only a capacity of 5 liters of fuel.
Not to mention the design of the shroud or side wing tanks that are deliberately placed under a tank of gas components. The shroud also serves as a funnel to catch the wind from the front. As for the legs, Wawang more like part which is not so great, just the front shochbreaker have a Yamaha TZM.
Data Modification Mega Pro
• Tires Front Mega Pro Modification: FDR ring 17, size 100/80
• Rear tire Mega Pro Modification: Michelin ring 17, size 180/55
• Wheels Mega Pro Modification: Brand V-Rossi
• Shockbreaker behind Mega Pro Modification: stolen goods Suzuki GSX-600
A brief history of Mega Pro
When viewed from the history, Honda Mega Pro first appeared on the market in the year ended 1990's to early 2000's precisely 1999 to 2001. Motor which is the next generation of Honda GL has no starter motor at the beginning of its appearance.
One very tempting and unique from Honda Mega Pro is the shape of the body and bike lights that completely round. Which seems to be the antithesis of the previous generation Honda GL-round box.
Until the decade of 2000 munculah ahkir New Mega Pro. Segnifikan occur considerable changes of engine capacity of 160 cc to 150 cc dropped. Tata motor design changes, too, the most visible and striking is the form of relatively large motor body.

Noted, New Mega Pro is one of the flagship products honda motorcycle category Sport. This motor was given the title "The Real Sreet Fighter" with increments of four colors: blue, black, white and red.