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How To Wash Your Own Car - Car wash is done at home was not all the way done it right because if we do not carefully then that will happen that could lead to car paint will look dull or does not look shiny and therefore you should if you are going to do a car wash should be done with some tips on washing the car itself as follows:
 Tips How To Wash Our Own Car

1.      First car should be in the clear with a feather duster that aims to remove the dust - the dust on the car protected from direct splash with water before the dust is lost because it will cause the car body to be scratched by dust - dust is still attached.
2.      When you are going to wash cars at home should you wash at the time of 8am or 5pm objective that the car is not exposed to the sun shine because if your car in wet conditions and direct sunlight it will be fatal because the water point is a sort of glass magnifier that can burn up to damage car paint.
3.      If the time of day you tight and make you have to wash the car at night you should use a cloth which should be dry, after that if you wash your car at night you have to do is open the car door shut repeatedly objective that the water contained in the gap the car can be dry as well as your car away from rusting.
4.      If you are going to wash cars should use a special shampoo for cars that can clean off dirt or residual oil combustion another example oil containing the same as if you were driving on the highway that produce a lot of smoke from several vehicle.
5.      Well for those of you who do not have a car you can use shampoo hair. Shampoo detergent contains foam that you can not do it like a sponge pour shampoo on specialty cars averaged to flatten all parts of the car and then rinse with a clean car.

And that is some way to wash your car by not bringing the car to a car wash you, but in the house you can go it with pleasure.