Vehicular Small Cell; Mobile Anti-lost Signal Technology From BMW
Event to
coincide with the Barcelona Mobile World Congress 2015 in Spain, BMW showed off
a signal amplifier technology in the cabin. With several companies who are
experts in their field, this technology could help passengers to get a signal
when driving out of town.

As reported
by autoevolution, Tuesday (03/03/2015), BMW revealed this technology called
Vehicular Small Cell. The project was developed and studied as a goal to
improve cell phone signal reception inside the car. In making this project, BMW
cooperate with Peiker acustic GmbH and Co. KG and Nash Technologies GmbH.
Peter Fertl, head of construction projects, said that vehicles with Vehicular
Small Cell technology allows riders to enjoy the use of cell phones,
smartphones, tablets, and smartwatch undisturbed weak signal.
BMW is the
first car manufacturer to introduce this new technology. Equipped
electromagnetic resonance system, it claims that the technology is no problem
with radiation.