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Recognize characteristics Suspension Damage In Cars

Road conditions in Indonesia the which can not be called a great influence on the condition of vehicles, especially cars. Damage to the highway IS ALSO the main causes of damage to the car's suspension.
Car suspension components consisting of per and shockbreaker Essentially, wherein the component is most Often damaged due to poor road conditions or terrain. Immediately if not treated further, then the suspension damage in the legs gets worse Potentially can even cause an accident.

But sometimes insensitive to the car owner his car, Although already showing unusual symptoms, there is a cool car owners, the most important car can still be used. So what are the characteristics of the sign or suspension damage on the car?. Here, automotive will give some tips to identify and characterize shockbreaker suspension damage on the car.
1. Pay attention to the tire surface, if uneven wear of the tires should be checked shockbreaker. This happens Because shockbreaker declining performance.
2. Note the height of the car, when passing through the damaged road tire position on the inside of the fender then Immediately replace shockbreaker.
3. If a car like swing quickly intervening, then maybe there is damage to shockbreaker.

4. If there is oil on shockbreaker melt, it can be ascertained that you shockbreaker leak, Immediately replace it with a new one.