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Plus And Minus Using Macpherson Strut Suspension - MacPherson Strut discovered in 1940 by Earl R, MacPherson who worked at Ford. This type of suspension applied in Ford products since the 1950s. Since then, MacPherson dominate the world due to small dimensions, and low cost of production.
If you notice, in this suspension, each wheel is given arm (bottom), plus spring (coil) and shock absorber. The part that attaches to the body of the car is the middle part. Position absorber located beneath the coil, thus making construction is quite high.

Unlike other suspension design, in MacPherson suspension, It’s telescopic shock absorber also serves as a controller wheel position. That's why it is no longer necessary upper control arm. In addition, because of its strut positioned vertically, the entire suspension system into a more compact / do not eat space. Unfortunately, the simplicity of the design of this suspension affects the control. Body roll and the movement of the wheels to make variations of the angle of the wheels. Although it is not too bad. When viewed from the perspective of the designer, high suspension system that make it less than ideal for a sports car.
Like the Double Wishbone suspension, MacPherson strut can be adopted for the front and rear wheels. In Indonesia, cars such as the Nissan March, up CBU cars like Honda Stepwagon.
Pros: Compact and inexpensive

Disadvantages: Not as good as the Double Wishbones. When applying MacPherson would be difficult to widen the tread of the tire on the vehicle. In addition, the vertical movement will change the camber angle with ease. Another downside is MacPherson will deliver the vibrations directly to the frame. As a result, car manufacturers have to add or redesign the vibration and sound dampening devices.